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When it comes to healthy Skin it starts from the inside.The foods you are eating have a massive impact on your skin, Focus on foods that are High in Omega-3 fatty acids such as fish like sardines, trout and salmon, & nuts particularly walnuts, You can also add a fish oil supplement for a major boost in omega-3 fatty acids, Zinc based foods will help in the absorption of the fatty-acids such as oysters, also you can add a zinc supplement if you wish. there are many other benefits to your whole body by adding such nutritionally rich foods to your diet   along with keeping helping to your skin healthy and radiant. Vitamin C is a Collagen boosting nutrient and it is easy to squeeze Vitamin C rich foods into your day, such as avocados, strawberries, oranges, grapefruits, mangos, lemons, limes and vegetables like  Peppers, Kale, Brussel sprouts and broccoli they are all loaded with vitamin C, try juices and smoothies for variety, E is known to dramatically help damaged cells, Vitamins A and E are both rich in antioxidants and can be found in almond butter, sweet potatoes carrots and Swiss chard. Feed your face its worth the effort. Some experts say that what you eat is just as important as what products you use on your face, and of course drink as much water as you can, add lemons, limes and cucumber to your water for extra vitamins and nutrients and a refreshing taste. It is a good idea to add supplements, I like to use vitamins C,B,D and E supplements along with zinc & fish oil, seems a lot I know But here's why.... 


I'm eating right! Getting my grains, beans, fruits, and vegetables, nothing too fatty or sugary. Now you're recommending supplements, Taking so many pills doesn't seem natural. If Mother Nature felt I needed extra nutrients, wouldn't she have put them in my food?"
Very valid question, But If you want to fight disease and achieve maximum life span, you can't do it with diet alone. You need the extra nutritional boost that only supplements can provide.
Up to 40% of American adults -about 100 million people add supplements to their diets most wait till they are much older but fact is the sooner the better, Lets put it this way supplements are to humans what fertilizer is to plants. Give a plant the correct amount of sunlight and water, and it will survive, But add some nutrient-rich fertilizer and the plant will thrive.
Its the same for people really, A healthful, balanced diet supplies the body with sufficient nutrients to keep your body in good shape and health. Supplements such as vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, and more enrich the body's internal environment to fortify cellular protection, repair, and regeneration and support the Renewal process. So if you want your skin in great shape add supplements particularly E,A & C for super healthy skin, watch your hair and nails grow fast, strong and healthy also. Not to mention extra energy and a feeling of general health within. Tip for all ages if ache and inflammation is a problem, try cutting out dairy for a while, You may see a big difference after 10-12 weeks.

What are you eating?

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